Tue 16 Jun 2009
Posted by catwomanbyday under Uncategorized
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OK, who here likes Lenka? I have some videos for you, from the show she did in Paris last night. I loved it so much. I wish I had written all those songs. Someday, I’ll have my own… 😀 OK, here are two, but check my YouTube occasionally, because I have more to upload.
I wonder if MJ will be on the Boulevard today.
White Mike will probably be there if he isn’t too high.
I really am wondering about the MJs, actually… White Mike was an obsessive stalker, so I wonder what he’ll do with his life now… Kinda feel sorry for him. He just turned into an Elvis.
The original boulevard MJ’s status on MySpace was devastated. He really liked Michael. White Mike will probably get stoned and rant for three hours, then go dance in front of the Chinese Theatre like nothing happened.
Wait. White Mike was stalking the real MJ? That’s interesting.
Here’s the cutest Boulevard pic I’ve seen recently:
And there are a couple of others adjacent to it.