Yesterday was a looooong day. Unfortunately, it was also crap financially, but we’ll talk more about that later. Catwoman has my memory card and all my pictures from the day, and I’d rather wait and post with pictures. If you’re going to have all that text and information to process, there might as well be some eye candy to break the monotony.

Instead, since we’re taking the day off and I have my other memory card back from Monday’s work, here’s the two pictures I managed to snap off. I could have sworn I took more than that, but I guess not. I guess I was too busy filming. Anyway, Monday was the first day we saw the Italian Stallions, a new trio of store bought superheroes who hang out on the east end of the block:

the Italian Stallions

the Italian Stallions

We walked past them a few times when business was slow and we were wandering around, looking for any hot spots. They never said anything, though, and would just watch us walk past, which was a little strange. Yesterday Iron Man briefly hung around us in front of the Chinese Theatre, and while he openly stared at our bottoms right in front of us, he only muttered something neither of us could hear and walked off. It was only later on in the day, when we walked right up to them, that they finally said hi. I had told Catwoman I had the feeling they were Italian, and once they started talking, I was proved right. I asked how long they had been there, and Captain America said, “Four years.” It was only after some more broken English that he got around to saying that they’d come to America about four years ago and they had only been doing the boulevard since the beginning of the week. Since their English wasn’t all that great, and they were still so new, I decided not to warn them about the rappers yet. They seemed to keep to themselves pretty well anyway, and I don’t think any rappers work that area of the Walk, so hopefully they’ll be safe. We’ll keep an eye on them.

Also from Monday, when I was walking to the costume shop:

a very Hubbard Christmas!

a very Hubbard Christmas!

The Scientology building is pretty easy to spot, from the giant white and green sign to the papered over front doors and windows and the giant security camera. Next to it is an empty lot, and I’ve noticed this Christmas get-up since we first started working the boulevard. What I didn’t notice, however, was that it was a Scientology Christmas. Great, so kids sit on Santa’s lap and he gives them a free e-meter reading? I know that religion, cult, whatever, is getting a lot of grief, especially here in LA and in San Francisco (I may have known about a protest against the SF headquarters in advance, and may have almost participated, but it was on the same day and time as the Brides of March and I was already booked), and while I understand and even agree with some of the points protesters are making, I think that there are better ways of getting your point across. I have the same problem with PETA. Anyway, it just rubbed me as wrong, this whole thing. Should Scientologists celebrate Christmas? I know the gist of the holiday was stolen from pagan traditions, as was Easter, so Christians can’t claim it all as their own, but I guess I was just working under the impression that different religions wouldn’t partake in Christmas because they had their own things going. If anything, I would have expected a giant papier-mâché volcano with vinegar and baking soda lava, and free photos with Xenu. It just strikes me as underhanded, is all. Yes, I expect to get flamed over this, but ask anyone and they’ll tell you I’m an equal opportunity sacrilicious lady. I mean, I made Jesus jokes straight at the guy.

Since I had to delay publishing this because Flickr was being a jerk and not letting me upload earlier, I can share my newest acquisition:

these boots were made for beatin

these boots were made for beatin'

Finally! These actually came ridiculously fast, too. I ordered them a few hours after my catsuit, and they’re already here. See, leaving positive feedback and being a repeat customer does pay off.