Meow. Just want to introduce myself here. I am CatwomanByDay. The best damn Catwoman you’re ever going to find prowling Hollywood Boulevard. 😀 That said… hello! I’d like to thank my partner-in-crime, BatgirlAmidala, for starting up this blog and filling it with our backstory. She is a writing machine!! But that’s good, because I am out of town for the holidays and living vicariously through this blog. I’m going to be practicing with my bullwhip, and getting some really sexy photos taken of me in my costume while I’m here on the east coast. Also adding some finishing touches on the costume – new gloves, some white stitching… it’ll be real good.

So, now I’m going to sit back and wait for the latest update from Batgirl, because I hear there’s a load of weirdness going on tonight. 🙂

I am Catwoman, hear me roar.