I’m going to mix Saturday and Sunday together, mainly because I can’t remember everything. I went to a party Saturday night and got drunk, stayed out ’til 5, then got up at 7 for work. I did remarkably well for usually having to have at least 4 hours of sleep every night, but as you can tell, my memory suffers.

So last weekend it was fairly busy. Still slower than other years, when the economy was better, but like every other part of Hollywood, there’s always something going on. We don’t talk to Superman as much now, because already it seems that he doesn’t work. I mean, he pays his rent and bills just fine and has plenty of cash left over to buy all those collectibles, but now he doesn’t even really pose or work the boulevard. He’ll just show up, pull a book or DVD from somewhere (seriously, I don’t know where!), and will show random people. He’ll talk about being on Jimmy Kimmel, make lewd comments to passing ladies, and sort of hurt our business in general. *sigh*