Entries tagged with “Miss Unidentifiable”.

I think I’ve been forgetting to mention that Superman’s finally back out on a regular basis. He seemed to have gone MIA for a bit during the holidays, or only stopping by to talk. On my last day of work last year, he walked by in street clothes, the only time I’ve ever seen him “normal.” It was very unsettling.

Anyway, yesterday was a pretty okay day. It was Catwoman’s first in her warm weather costume, Wonder Woman. I stuck it out in my PVC Batgirl, because damnit, I just fixed her up! Heat wave be damned, I’m going to use her before summer comes in. But at least Superman had a great suggestion for a cool costume for me: Zatanna Zatara. *sigh* I know I’ll have to explain this one:

chick in a box

chick in a box


And today it’s a New Pornographers reference. Don’t worry, the music references will always be relevant to the conversation. Just consider it a free guide to great bands, in addition to the usual entertainment. 🙂

So, today. Today was clear and bright, and the winds that pushed the last storm away from us had finally died down, and it’s supposed to get to the mid-60s now, so I doped up on Sudafed — it’s expired, but it seems to still be okay — and headed out. I didn’t much feel like going, more out of laziness than anything, though my family had been a little worried since they heard about Freddie’s beatdown, but I’m glad I did. It was packed, so much so that I couldn’t really get pictures of anything because the crowds obscured everything. Everything, that is, but this:

tickets to Vaders gun show

tickets to Vader's gun show


Today was my last day of work until after Christmas. I was actually planning on working Christmas Eve morning (confusing?), then heading straight over to my dad’s side of the family for our usual all night thing, but it’s going to rain all day, so neh. I’m really glad I made the cookies yesterday, then, ’cause otherwise no one would have had them before the holidays.

If you’ve been jonesing for some strangeness and felt the last couple entries have been lacking, let me welcome you back into the fold:

Naked Guy

Naked Guy
