Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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Oh hey, that video I did so many years ago (last week?) is finally up! The latest episode of Monkey News Source went up last night at 10 PM, I think, but I was too tired to babysit the website and wait for it. And I’m glad I didn’t, because I can’t even embed it here.
Okay, so, the video. If you go here you can watch the full episode, or you can let the whole thing load, then skip to the 13 minute mark. That’s where the good segment starts. It’s everyone’s goodbyes to now ex-President Bush (oh, that feels so nice!), and ooh! The monkey lied! He said it was live street reporting. Well, I guess it was live at the time. Anyway, I’m the second person interviewed, I come on at about 14:58 with my raspy, sexy sick voice. I’ve had a cough for a week now. Eh.
the one-fingered salute
As you can see from my screengrab, it’s full of fond farewells.
Well, the video is still loading for me, ’cause my Internet decided to be really slow today, but they also filmed me talking about Obama. I’m going to do some stuff and come back to see if they show that too. I have to go donate blood in a few hours, because I’m an all around superhero, maybe it’ll be done by then.
a Red Cross HerO
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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I think I’ve been forgetting to mention that Superman’s finally back out on a regular basis. He seemed to have gone MIA for a bit during the holidays, or only stopping by to talk. On my last day of work last year, he walked by in street clothes, the only time I’ve ever seen him “normal.” It was very unsettling.
Anyway, yesterday was a pretty okay day. It was Catwoman’s first in her warm weather costume, Wonder Woman. I stuck it out in my PVC Batgirl, because damnit, I just fixed her up! Heat wave be damned, I’m going to use her before summer comes in. But at least Superman had a great suggestion for a cool costume for me: Zatanna Zatara. *sigh* I know I’ll have to explain this one:
chick in a box
Tags: Barack Obama, Batgirl, Business Suit Zorro, Catwoman, Dollhouse Guy, filming, George W. Bush, got drunk, jail, Michael Jackson, Miss Unidentifiable, Monkey News Source, Old Boyfriend, socialize, Storm Trooper, Superman, the Captain, The Stream TV, Vader, White Mike, Wonder Wig, Wonder Woman, Wonderdrama