Entries tagged with “Belle and Sebastian”.

I have a confession to make: when I’m not busy kicking ass and taking names as Batgirl (or even as Padmé), I knit. Like a grandma, in bed, watching Belle and Sebastian. It sounds twee as hell and it probably is, but I don’t care. I genuinely love turning a couple of skeins of yarn into a really smart cardigan that everyone covets:

tres magnifique

tres magnifique

I’ve always been a crafty gal, drawing, knitting, sewing, painting, writing music, whatever. I just love making things. I’m also hopelessly addicted to a few knitting magazines, like a true granny, and the e-zine Knitty is no exception. This morning in my inbox was a quick note from the editor, along with links to the Knitty Surprises, little bonus patterns they put out between seasons to keep you coming. I was just checking out the hand knit, somewhat anatomically correct heart when I noticed this ad:



Oh my god, there is actually a comic book — excuse me, graphic novel — about a knitting superhero.

Who’s been ripping off my life?

I may have waited a bit too long to catch up; now I can’t remember what happened which day. Not that very much happened, really, but if you’re a stickler for detail, I’m afraid you’re out of luck today. It really is getting quite dull out on the boulevard. Maybe it’s because we’re only there during daylight, around lunchtime, or maybe it’s because we’re still adjusting to the loss of Denim and Bat A, but we’ve actually been begging for something, anything to happen. Well, at least there’s pictures.

who died?

who died?
