I may have waited a bit too long to catch up; now I can’t remember what happened which day. Not that very much happened, really, but if you’re a stickler for detail, I’m afraid you’re out of luck today. It really is getting quite dull out on the boulevard. Maybe it’s because we’re only there during daylight, around lunchtime, or maybe it’s because we’re still adjusting to the loss of Denim and Bat A, but we’ve actually been begging for something, anything to happen. Well, at least there’s pictures.
Entries tagged with “Scary Catwoman”.
Tue 13 Jan 2009
don’t be dull
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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Mon 5 Jan 2009
“I’ve never had anyone stare so openly at my crotch.”
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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Oh, today. *sigh* Today was Catwoman’s first day back, and my first in a while. I was supposed to go in this weekend and get the last few days of the big crowds and (ideally) big money, but it was overcast and cold and my Padmé costume is pretty much toast. She had a good run for a one-time wear cheapo store bought costume, and earned her money back and then some, but the time has come to make a real Padmé costume — it’ll be so cool, just wait — and put the old one out to pasture.
But I digress. We have plans. We started doing new things today. I learned that those Snap & Go curlers are indeed crap, and both of us may have texted each other about the new No Texting While Driving law while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. I’m choosing to go with the fifth amendment to keep from incriminating myself.
Tue 30 Dec 2008
The Second Coming, as someone slips out the back
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to start out with the sad news. Bat A wrote me this morning through MySpace and said that he’s leaving for who knows how long. He’d mentioned before that he would have to go back to the motherland for a bit, but it sounds like the visit was extended and pushed forward, because things are just getting too ugly down here. It was a very sweet letter, especially considering the fact that he’s found this blog (hello, dear!), and it made me sad in a very bittersweet way. While I thought he was just being cranky or maybe avoiding me, being silly and egocentric, he’s apparently been going through a lot behind the scenes, so I’d just like to say that all the cranky bits I’d written in the past are moot and he will always and forever be my Batman. I’m sorry we won’t be able to work together, but I’m so happy we had the time on the boulevard that we did, that I met him, and that we’ll hopefully keep in touch while he gets a much needed break. I’ll miss him terribly.
Sun 28 Dec 2008
The Haves and the Have-Nots
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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I really have to be more careful when typing. When I was uploading new pictures to Flickr just now, twice I typed in this blog’s address as hhherpes.wordpress.com. Um. That must be Paris Hilton’s blog. Just a warning to those of you who think that one letter can’t make that big a difference.
So today was another busy day, though time seemed to move slower today. I did better financially for nearly the same amount of time, but we had more down time and more people trying to stiff us today. Vader lost his temper again and refused to pose for a photo until people had paid up, because too many people would say, “Okay, I know how it works” impatiently before the photos, then pretend to not know English or think one dollar would suffice for four people. Right. Be careful, if you’re thinking of stiffing any masked character, folks. They have mouths and they talk some mean shit, and you can’t even hear because of the masks — but everyone else can. Also, some of us will follow at a discreet distance and warn other characters that you’re a deadbeat so you don’t scam anyone else. Okay, I do that when I can. So don’t think you’re clever and you’ve found a new way to scam people, we know it all. Most of the time we just let you get away with it while calling you retarded or an asshat, just so you know. You’re not smart, but we’ll let you keep thinking you are.
Sun 21 Dec 2008
Strike three
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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So. I’ve tried Batgirl on my own for three days, and all three days she struck out. Maybe this weekend isn’t as good as everyone hyped it to be (which seems to be true all around), maybe I need to be more pushy, but the long and short of it is that women on the boulevard are kinda screwed when it comes to thinking up a good solo costume. Everything that’s come to mind relies on another character, and it’s just very slanted against us. Argh. So, until Catwoman comes back and we can tag team it, I’m going back to shivering in the cold as Padmé and working with Vader and Storm Trooper.
Sat 20 Dec 2008
Thriller vs. Purple Rain
Posted by Batgirl Amidala under Boulevard Life
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Today sucked a bit less than yesterday, which was good. After about fifteen minutes on the boulevard today I wanted to go back home crying, but I’m sure a big part of it is because I’m really introverted and shy and groups of catty sluts like to gang up on me when I’m alone. (“How can you be introverted with a mouth like that?” you may ask, to which my answer is, “Words are my defense.”)
Before I launch into today’s craziness, let’s take a moment to relax and enjoy the random bits of beauty in Hollywood: